
Thursday, February 13, 2025

The BPD Blog is Back!

 Hello!  The Birch Press Design blog is back!  I have a post on the blog today and here is a little peek:

I hope you will head over there to take a look at the full card.  Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!


  1. I just found your site and love your talent! On this particular card, how and what did you use to make the background. Very nice!

  2. Just checked out your pretty card! Glad the blog is back!

  3. Very sweet little birdie -- love your card, Rosemary

  4. Just back from BPD - glad the blog is back! Just love your sweet birdie, Rosemary!!

  5. Hurrah the blog is back! Off to check out your card as I always see things I missed on IG.


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